The life of a digital artist, caught between the virtual world and the real, becomes even more unreal because of the lockdown. These were times that made your daily commute seem like a pleasure trip. You yearned to take the train or the cab, and walk down the street, like you have done every morning for years on end. But the pandemic comes along and changes the rules of the game. Now everybody is confined to their homes and stepping out has become a crime towards society. Little does the pandemic know it is merely the body that can be penned. The mind and the spirit roam free, travelling to places it wants to go to and taking in the sights it wants to see. Once out there, the mind misses the body and in the end, the free spirit realizes that it is no fun going alone, without the body for company.
‘Anywhere But Here’ is a lockdown film by Director Maitry Rao. Maitry takes us along in her imaginary journey with a little help from the tools of virtual reality. Guided along at a steady pace by the poetic narrative, the visuals are a mix of 3D elements and pop art blended together efficiently. The expedition that starts off in familiar geographies soon navigates the secluded trails inside the mind. She cites some memorable incidents that linger after such a journey. The film is a delight to watch for its blend of the many art forms into effective storytelling.
‘Anywhere But Here’ is a narrative on the impact the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns have had on the mental health of the populace. When even your daily routine appears an inaccessible luxury, the hopelessness of the situation sets in, and you come to face your powerlessness. It is a fine attempt that stirs the heart with its simplicity and naivety.