When Justin is granted the proverbial ‘three wishes’, like everyone else, he is at a loss to choose what to use them on. Justin, a shy introvert, is at the receiving end of the cruel jokes from the bullies at school. When a timid Justin finds himself on an alien island in one of his dreams, the bizarre creatures that roam the island frighten him. Cowering from the dangers of the unknown land, he steps on a magic snake who tells him he has just earned three wishes. Chatting up with the magic snake, Justin learns more about the magic land he is in. He learns about the Werlobees, the main inhabitants of the island living on the lush side of the island. The Magic snake tells them about the big Werlobees and little Irvino, the smallest among them who was driven away by the Werlobees to fend for himself in the deserted part of the island where no food can be found. Seeing the heartbroken Werlobee Irvino, Justin’s heart goes out to him.
‘Justin and the Werlobee’ is an animated short by directors Ken Yoffe & Ellen Weisberg, John Vo. ‘Justin and the Werlobee’ create a colourful magical world for Justin and his adventures. The nuanced animation of Justin is a compelling tool for telling the inside journey of Justin through the magic land where he is granted the power to change the lives of those around him. The expressive voices of Justin and the magic snake complete the imagery of their multidimensional characters who come out in flesh and blood from the screen.
‘Justin and the Werlobee’ is not just a child’s fantasy. It is a testimony about the injustices that run our world. The concept of the powerful grabbing the best of natural resources for themselves is not new. What is different are those like Justin, willing to make some sacrifices to alter the status quo. ‘Justin and the Werlobee’ is a fantasy of how the new order should look like.