Sarita is an Indian Immigrant residing in America with her husband and two children. She runs a boutique specializing in Indian outfits called the ‘Layers of Chai’. Her relationship is going through a difficult patch after she discovers her husband cheating on her. Sarita is confused as to how she should deal with her husband after her discovery. Her friends advise her to overlook his transgression for the benefit of their relationship and her family and to keep up appearances in front of society. But, during an argument, her husband assaults her physically, and it becomes the last straw that breaks her resolve. Meanwhile, her daughter, Anushka, is dealing with relationship dilemmas of her own. Her parents scheme together, even when they are on the brink of separation, to find a suitable boy to marry her to. They are eager to arrange her marriage with someone of their choosing. Well aware that she is bisexual, Anushka cannot decide between her lover, Rani, and her soon to be fiancé Bobby. The strain in her parents’ relationship makes it difficult for her to come out to her family.

‘Layers of Innocence’ is a screenplay by writer Rachel Vaswani. Rachel explores the emotions of a young girl dealing with her sexuality in a difficult social milieu. Her parents who seem to be heading towards the lowest point in their relationship, the pressure to keep up social appearances, death of a loved one and her inability to come out about her sexuality to her mother are factors that add to her misery. Meanwhile, when she meets Bobby, a nice guy whom the family wants her to marry, she is momentarily swayed by the happiness she sees come into the family.

Anushka, through her story, tells us that though it is difficult, it is important to draw the line between happiness and appeasement. True love is not limited to being together. At times, letting the other person go is the best that can happen to the relationship.

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