What is home? Is it a place or is it a feeling? How far will you go to find your home? Will you travel halfway around the world to find a home? These are some of the questions that a trans man asks in his journey to find his true calling. He listens to himself and the whispers of his heart, winning the battles with loneliness and depression. He accepts the fact that change is inevitable and that we must all learn to accept change. Self-discovery is a constantly evolving process and a journey of discovering new versions of yourself every day. The key to successful self-discovery is understanding that each one of us is unique and celebrating the change that has made us unique.
‘Heart Whispers’ is a Student film by Ash Verwiel. Ash explores his feelings and draws from his own past experiences, to tell the story of a trans man who discovers himself after a long drawn struggle with his identity. The director makes prudent use of the vast collection of his conversations with his camera at different points of his life. These open-hearted conversation with the camera were his secret mechanism to deal with a world where he felt he was a misfit. ‘Heart Whispers’ through these soul searching conversation captures the changes in the voice as we go along this journey of self-discovery.
It would be wrong to label ‘Heart Whispers’ as an LGBTQ+ production. It is a film that speaks to every single soul that is yet searching to discover its unique place in the world.

Thank you so much for this heart warming review. So spot on.. Thank you for seeing me. I appreciate your support tremendously. Much love
I adore this film so much. Ash is such a pure hearted person & I am so so thankful to have him in my life as a best friend. Beautiful person inside and out. I give this all the credit it deserves. This was awesome!
This is such a beautiful and powerful piece of visual art that has never been made before and needed to be made. This needed to be created and now we get to see what Ash’s experiences was through his own lense, in all its beauty and complexity. Please share !