Today’s metropolis is a crowded space where millions live together but remain lonesome. Lost in crowds are the nameless millions who do not know where they come from or where they are headed to. They have no roots, so to speak, and are free to turn into anything they desire. In this crowded metropolis, where millions of invisible stories cross paths, you are invited to one such story in the first act of this short. It is in the second act we meet our protagonist, a vampire by personality and a photographer by profession, fresh from her last bloody meal. As she roams the town that night, lonely amongst the crowds, she is spreading her web for her next prey, dropping behind the hollow shell of the past one behind. But when she spots her next victim, a young woman waiting by the road, she is pleased. As the couple head back to spend life together, we are left wondering if this will be next kill.
‘Love Blood Pain’ is a narrative short by director Magnum Borini. Borini makes a particularly stylish statement right at the start, when he tears down the modern metropolis for his viewers with stark monochromatic images. The symmetry and harmonious composition of these images tell the story of a quiet core under the unsettling commotion of the world outside. He later returns to the same visual style in the last act, where he asks the gallery to look further than the visuals to find meaning.
‘Love Blood Pain’ is the unfamiliar voice of those in the margins of the society. Like the vampire, those caught in the margins are considered dangerous and are shunned. The film is an attempt at helping them recover their voice, empowering them to make the choices they desire.